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Insurance Companies

Corporate Service

Corporate Service

Vichaiyut provides a health check up to each organization or company, especially as health checkup before starting work and annual health checkup of employees. This way we get the trust of many companies in the service.

Pre-arrival health check up at Vichaiyut

  1. Please do not eat or drink after 24:00 pm., Or at least 6-8 hours before the examination.
  2. To examine heart function during exercise (Exercise Stress Test) can be prepared as follows.
    • must not eat or drink for at least 2 hours priorto the test.
    • If your medication regularly Ask your doctor before you stop the medication or not. Especially cardiovascular drugs. (Digitalis Majlis (digitalis), nitrates (nitrate), beta bloggers (betablocker), diuretics (diuretic), etc.) at least three days because it affects the ECG.
    • In the coming days should check with a perfect body. A cold or other illness. If there is a suspension or doctor before the test.
    • The audit should wear clothes suitable for walking a n d running. Breasted jacket should have an open front preparing a n d running shoes Or shoes wear.
    • Please check the date of the Heart Center. Building Vichaiyuttop 5 or top 10 Medical Center about 15 minutes before the appointment if the appointment does not, please call in advance. Tel. 02-265-7777 ext 30513-14
  3. In the ultra sound Abdominal Ultrasound Whole abdomen,
    • In the ultra sound upper abdomen, Please do not eat or drink.
    • In the ultra sound lower abdomen, urinary incontinence, you need to have enough urine in the bladder before the test. You can eat or drink. And the period (For women) can acceptable.
  4. For Ladies Urine samples are collected monthly to keep the registry after a period of approximately one week.
  5. If you have a list or endoscopy Gastroscopy Colonoscopy in Detection of these to your doctor. Experts gastrointestinal a n d liver before. Counsel for the inspection, preparation a n d know the side effects of endoscopy.
    • You must check before Colonoscopy Bowel Prep by two days to make you stop eating. Types of waste, fiber (fruits, vegetables) to eat light easily digestible.
    • Eat laxatives priorto the test by Colonoscopy to receive the drug (by appointment), the doctor will order a laxative. Before Colonoscopy examination with instructions
      to keep in mind.
    • If you have a history of drug in the blood clot. You must abstain from all kinds of fibrinolytic drugs such as Plavix, BABY Aspirin, Ticlid, Coumadin one week priorto the date of examination is recommended
      to seek medical treatment for identification. Previous visits
    • To perform endoscopy Colonoscopy have relatives or drivers
      took home Do not drive themselves.

Consult on arrival, please contact

Health Care and Medical Clinic, 10th floor Vichaiyut Medical Center
Tel. 0-2265-7777 ext 51052-53
Clinic hours
Monday-Sunday 07.00 a.m.-8.00 p.m.

Insurance Companies

If you have insurance with any companies, you can exercise the right for medical treatment, both the outpatient and inpatient, depending on which company you choose for coverage. By ensuring that hospital staff to serve customers and insurance companies, Parties coordination with insurance companies in order to comply with the terms of the insurance coverage.

List of health insurance companies

For more information about health insurance, please contact:

  • Medical information Ask for a medical certificate a n d a copy of medical history
    Documentation Center
    Tel. 0-2265-7777 ext. 50125-26
    Office Hours
    Monday – Friday 07.00 am – 7.00 pm
    Saturday-Sunday a n d public holidays 07.00 am – 5.00 pm
  • Admission Unit for general inquiries about insurance
    Contractual Customer Service Unit / UR Nurse
    Tel. 0-2265-7777 ext 51476-78
    Office Hours
    Monday – Friday 07.00 am – 7.00 pm
    Saturday-Sunday a n d public holidays 07.00 am – 5.00 pm
  • Financial document Service Obtain a copy of the medical expenses a n d a copy of receipt
    • Patients eligible for claiming reimbursement
      Accounting Department Tel. 0-2265-7926
      Office Hours: Monday – Friday 07.00 am – 7.00 pm
    • In case of self-pay
      Accounting Department Tel. 0-2265-7777 ext 50170-71
      Finance Patients Department Tel. 0-2265-7500, 0-2265-7973-74

Office Hours: 24/7

Accessibility to Health Insurance Companies

When you receive services at the hospital, these followings should be prepared;
1. Insurance Card
2. ID card with photo issued by the government.

In case of an outpatient (OPD)

  • Filing Insurance Card a n d identification or a card with photo issued by government to claim right
  • Contact monetary division by presenting the card
    to verify the claim.
  • If any company provides its credit
    to outpatient, you can get the treatment a n d conditions according
    to your policy. You do not have
    to pay for the service except for excess Rights
  • If you need
    to claim medical expenses, your compensation can be claimed a n d brought
    to the insurance company. Please tell the clinic staff, the hospital will issue a receipt a n d leaves you claim
    to be filed with the insurance company.

In case of an inpatients (IPD)

  • Filing Insurance Card a n d identification or a card with photo issued by government to claim right
  • The registered patient gets advice a n d information on how to choose the right or claim

If you are using fax for claim

  • Official documents claim form that you signed can be faxed after coordinating with the insurance company.
  • If you fax the claim, please contact the financial department on the discharge date a n d sign for acknowledge the costs a n d pay the excess (if any).

Consult on arrival, please contact

Health Care and Medical Clinic, 10th floor Vichaiyut Medical Center
Tel. 0-2265-7777 ext 51052-53
Clinic hours
Monday-Sunday 07.00 a.m.-8.00 p.m.

