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Our Health Check-up Center provides several health check-up programs specially designed for all ages with basic screening for any disease that may occur though no significant symptom shown. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the better treatment result and less opportunity for any future complications could be expected. Moreover, the other factors i.e. heredity and behavior will becounted as one of the screening, for example; if your family member has diabetes, the specific diagnosis of diabetes should be tested sooner than those who does not have this factor.

The services at our Health Check-up Center are;

- Blood test

- Digital imaging services (X-ray / Ultrasound

- Electrocardiography - EKG

- Per Vaginal Examination for women

Program 1
Basic Check-up
3,300 THB

Basic Check-up Program is recommended for those who are under 30 years of age, requiring to stay healthy by having annual check-up, check-up before attending work, or seeking for risk factors i.e. underlying disease or disease from person's lifestyle.

Program 2
Healthy Working
6,500 THB

Healthy Working Program is recommended for those who are 30-40 years of age. The package is designed for basic screening for the person with no significant symptom or seeking for non-communicable disease i.e. high blood pressure, high sugar and fat. Some cancer screening are included which will be beneficial for further treatment planning if the illness is diagnosed, decreasing the severity of disease and any complications that may occur.

Program 3
Standard Executive
10,900 THB

Standard Executive Program is recommended for those who are over 40 years of age requiring annual check-up with detailed screening program, seeking for any illness without symptom shown and non-communicable disease and additional in-depth screening i.e. lower ultrasound for prostate cancer and other disease in uterus and ovary, thyroid related disease.

Program 4
Premium Executive
18,000 THB

Premium Executive Program is recommended for those who are over 40 years of age requiring specific check-up as same as Program 3 with additional eye examination, heart screening by Exercise Stress Test (EST) and Echocardiogram.

Program 5
Ultimate Check-up
23,900 THB

Due to the increasing ages causing the degeneration of the body and risk for blood vessel disease, the Ultimate Check-up Program is recommended for those who are 60 years of age up for examining in-depth check-up throughout each body systems with additional examinations i.e. eye, ear (audiometry), throat, nose and bone mineral density to seek for Osteoporosis.

For more information please contact
Health Check-up Center
11th floor, Vichaiyut Medical Center

